
The Launching of BHSI Book in Hong Kong


Suasana saat peluncuran Buku "BHSI Bangkitkan BMI dengan Virus Investasi" di Victoria Park, Hong Kong Finally “BHSI revives BMI with Investment Virus” book was launched. Taking place in Victoria Park field, Causway Bay, Hong Kong, the event was attended by around 100 Indonesian Migrant Workers (BMI), Sunday April 15th 2012.

Rihanu Alifa, one of the authors of the book, hopes that by investing very early, there will be no BMI who keeps being migrant worker abroad. Hopefully, with BHSI book, investment virus spread to every corner of the country so everyone can manage finance wisely, investing in the world and the hereafter.

BHSI Group which was formed in August 19th 2011 has brought a virus to BMI Hong Kong to invest and manage the finance well and wisely. Don’t be a BMI for the second time. While they’re still in Hong Kong, they should manage their income well and correctly for the future, and one of the ways is by investment. Of course, this is also the hope of the BMIs who join the BHSI community.

Besides investing in gold bar, investing in the hereafter is also not forgotten by the BMIs. BMI still save some of their income to be donated to those in needs. “Saving is normal, but this is the best investment.” Is the slogan of BHSI which will continue to be a virus to fellow BMI everywhere. With this book, hopefully BHSI residents in particular and other citizen in general are more aware of the importance of early investment.

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