
The Importance of ICT for Migrants to-be


WORKSHOP DESA MEMBANGUN: Sebuah inisiasi awal untuk membangun basis data migrasi sejak dari desa.BANYUMAS. The existence of technology is indeed affecting on making the easier of human activities. Indonesian migrant workers who are working far way from their family so that they hardly meet their beloved one, are currently literally saved by the technology.

This current trend inspires Budi Satrio to teach and encourages migrants in his village to learn and to be able to use technology, in particular computer, before they’re leaving for work abroad. He as Headman of Melung Village in Kedungbanten, Banyumas always gather migrant workers to be to participate on training at village hall. There is also special team at the village which has always teach the participants about the using of technology and internet. Budi also obliged them to own an email account in order to communicate with family in Indonesia.

“This is all to make communication between migrants and their family getting easier. Also, using of internet technology is way more cheaper lately”, said Budi at his office (24/12/11).

Budi put his best efforts on the maximization of ICT usage in his village as a real support from village authority for the sake of village empowerment in order to encourage migrants on the regulation of immigration. Budi has also remind migrants to have a copy of their essential documents at home as an archive.

“We don’t want any of our people got problem abroad, that is why we conduct some action as anticipation. Thank God there were none of our citizen who got serious problem while working abroad,” said Budi who already been a Village Headman for 2 consecutive periods.

There was a 2 days workshop which held on 23-24 December 2011 at Melung Village, in the southern of Mount Slamet which titled “Desa Membangun, Melalui Dukungan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi” (“A Building Village, Through ICT Supports”). This workshop was participated by many aspects of society such as village government authority, NGOs, youth organization, village representative body, village institutions, trainers, and many supporting authorities.

The important note resulted on the workshop is the idea on building a migration database which integrated with village citizenship database, thus the protection of migrants may be started upon the root, the village.

2 komentar untuk “The Importance of ICT for Migrants to-be

    1. Betul mas, seharusnya pemanfaatan internet masuk dalam paket pembekalan dan pendidikan sebelum BMI diberangkatkan ke negara tujuan. Sehingga perlindungan BMI lebih terjamn jika berjejaring dan menjalin komunikasi. terimakasih atas kunjungannya 🙂

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