
TKI Solidarity, Building Mosque in Ansan, South Korea


Imron Rosyadi, Indonesian Migrant Worker in South Korea has interviewed Vinun (34), one of the administrators of Indonesian Muslim Community (KMI) in South Korea at 17.00 South Korea time (01/04/12).

According to the Indonesian Migrant Worker (BMI) from Trenggalek, East Java, KMI is a parent organization which consists of 23 mosques all over Korea and has thousands of followers.

BMIs in South Korea face different socio-cultural condition than in Indonesia. The majority of people in South Korea are non-Muslim with modern lifestyle which develops rapidly and tends to be vicey. Alcohol, gambling, night entertainment, and free sex are common in South Korea. The condition make Indonesian Citizens (WNI), especially BMIs, have to control themselves and focus on the original goal to work for the families at home. KMI was formed in South Korea as an effort to maintain the Indonesian followers’ spirituality, especially Indonesian migrant workers, through religious activities.

KMI has managed to coordinate BMI is South Korea to build mosque in Changwon near Busan city which cost 700 million Won (5 billion 600 million rupiah). Right now KMI is coordinating the construction of mosque in Ansan city. To this day (01/04/12) KMI has managed to gather donation from BMI in South Korea for 334 million Won (2 billion 672 million rupiah) from total cost of 400 million Won more (3 billion 200 million rupiah).

KMI has held various activities to pay the shortage. The activities include holding mass religious meeting which invited Islamic teachers and celebrities from Indonesia such as Arifin Ilham, Dik Doang, Muhammad Yusuf Mansur. During the mass religious meeting, the administrators of KMI circulate donation box to the pilgrims. During one mass religious meeting, they could get nearly 25 million won or almost 200 million rupiah. The cost is also covered by regular cut the BMI has agreed on through their savings.  The development of KMI and various religious activities it holds are a pride for Indonesian Muslim in South Korea.

3 komentar untuk “TKI Solidarity, Building Mosque in Ansan, South Korea

  1. Salut buat mas Imron dan kawan-kawan KMI di Korea Selatan. saya ada pertanyaan, apakah Masjid tersebut bisa diakses BMI untuk melangsungkan kegiatan non keagamaan, misal sekedar bikin pertemuan, diskusi, atau melangsungkan pernikahan?

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