Not Only Work, Singaporean BMIs Also Attend a Lecture



Monday, for Singaporeans, is time for relaxation with family, friends, or just enjoying holiday alone. Then, how about Indonesian Migrant Workers in Singapore? Now, there are about 90 thousands BMIs working as household helpers in Singapore. Besides, there are also professional workers and sailors, but unfortunately there are only a few of them receiving the right to enjoy holiday on Sunday.

Until now, Singapore have not made a policy on the right to have holiday on every Sunday for the household helpers. Holiday on Sunday thoroughly depends on the awareness of their master. Of 180.000 household helpers in Singapore, there are only around 5% having holiday on, while the rest will have holiday once in two weeks, once in a month, even have no holiday at all.

Then, what are the activities done by the BMIs having holiday each Sunday? Most of Singaporeans thinks that BMIs spend their holiday wasting their money or meeting their lover. Such assumption is not totally correct. Even, nowadays many educational institutions providing special services to meet the needs of the BMIs appear.

There are some of them offering 6 months-course programs, and there are also some of them offering diploma programs. The organizers are also various, started from Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) for Singapore with their Center for dengan Center for Education and Training for Indonesia Domestic Workers (Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja (P3K)) which headquarter is in Singapore Indonesian School (Sekolah Indonesia Singapura (SIS)), Mujahidah Learning Centre, HOME Campus, Investment Entrepreneurship Education (IEE)and many more. Hence, most Singaporean BMIs having holiday on each Sunday will spend their time joining courses even attending a lecture as their preparation before leaving for Indonesia. Such activities also make their holiday usefull.

β€œOne of many diploma education programs for BMIs in Singapore is run by Indonesian Education and Prefession Development Institution (Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia (LP3I)) working together with Kolej Islam Muhammadiyah (KIM). They offer the department of Business Administration and Computerized Accounting. I myself once attended an English course at P3K SIS for a year and since October 2011; I also have been a student at LP3I. Besides having a chance to study, I also become a volunteer in many organizations, such as IFN, HOME, and TWC2” Rista Firsta explained, one of BMIs form Madiun telling her experience.

According to Rista, the study course for diploma level at the institution can be completed within 2 years through the learning process done every Sunday starting from 10.00 to 17.00 Singaporean times. The students at LP3I are not as many as them at P3K or Mujahidah Learning Centre, but, this indeed makes us easier to get along one another. Besides studying, we also feel like being in the middle of our family, time for lunch must have been passed joyfully. Our learning activities seem like something removing our tiredness resulting from our one week-work.

20 komentar untuk “Not Only Work, Singaporean BMIs Also Attend a Lecture

  1. Pengalaman yang manarik.. Apakah TKI seperti ii banyak terdapat di Singapura, mba? Bagaimana dengan pembiayaannya?

  2. Hi, Iya sekarang lumayan banyak, seperti dari P3K sendiri sudah meluluskan lebih dari 1000 peserta. Mujahiddah Learning Centre sampai tahun kemarin meluluskan 6.000 peserta, belum lagi lembaga2 pendidikan yang lain. Dan memang kesempatan belajar ini dijadikan satu alasan oleh teman2 utk mndapatkan hari libur dari najikan mereka.

    Untuk pembiayaan, mereka membiayai sendiri ada juga sebagian yang mendapatkan dukungan dari majikan, seperti saya sendiri majikan saya membantu 50% dari biaya kuliah saya per bulan nya.
    Besarnya adalah : untuk kursus 6 bln di P3K, $50, untuk ditempat lain saya kurang tahu,tp berkisar $50-$70/6 bln. Untuk di LP3I adlah $105/bln termasuk modul dan ujian.

    1. mbak`Prihatin.,`maaf`sebelumnya,`mbak`bekerja`diSIngapura`juga`atau`mau`daftar`jadi`pelajar`aja?


  3. terinspirasi sekali oleh tulisan diatas, sepertinya saya juga akan ikut mendaftar kursus, tlong beritahu alamat tempat kursus di singapura

  4. Halo mbak waty, Syukur dech..
    Maaf mbak waty tinggal dimana SIngapura nya dan mau kursus apa. Sekarang bnyak bnaget tempat kursus unutk teman-teman BMI.
    1. LP3I KIM, (program diploma bisnis dan akuntansi. alamat : 70-71 lorong 13 Geylang rd
    2. HOME campus kursus : English, mandarin, cosmetology, baking, computer, hairdressing, caregiver, ISS, paterson rd (belakang ION orchad)
    3. P3K SIS dari KBRI program : kejar paket B, C, UT, kursus: English, cosmetology, hairdressing, computer, Sekolah Indonesia SIngapura 20A Siglap rd.
    4. Mujahidah learning centre, Mujahidin Mosque (Buona Vista/Redhil area)

  5. Tolong beri tau saya di mans saya bisa mengikuti kursus kumputer d singapore. Trimakasi

  6. Ada nga ya mba kursus bahasa inggris atau komputer yg pertiga bulan d singapore? Karena saya cm mau ambil sertificat

  7. Hello kak kalau saya mau daftar sebagai pelajar saja tetapi tidak bekerja disingapura bagaimana ya kak?

  8. maaf apakah masih ada ya
    klau diploma itu jurusan apa saja ya
    saya berminat buat sekolah lagi

  9. Asskm mba gmna caranya untuk bsa kursus dan belajar komputer ya mba. Trs cara pendaftaran nya. Sya ingin baa bljar sambil kerja di sini. Di singapure… !!!

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