BANYUMAS,- Responding the current phenomenon of Indonesian migrants remittance which is consumptive, Dr Tyas Retno Wulan, Head of Centre of Gender, Child and Social Service Studies (Pusat Penelitian Gender, Anak dan Pelayanan kepada Masyarakat or PPGAPM) LPPM Universitas Jenderal Sudirman or “Unsoed” initiated to conduct a workshop about economical empowerment for ex-Indonesian migrant workers (15/12/11).
LPPM Unsoed Purwokerto conducted a workshop about how to make a doormat which made of patchwork materials which took place on West Side Meeting Hall of LPPM Unsoed Purwokerto. This event is also to celebrate the International Migrants Day. This workshop was participated by 40 of ex migrant workers from Subdistrict Gumelar and Sumbang, Banyumas. Most of the participants are member of SERUNI Banyumas, a woman kids and migrants worker activists society.
This full day workshop was facilitated by national facilitator named Irma Suryati, the owner of Mutiara Handycraft. Mutiara Handycraft is micro business company from Residence Kebumen, Central Java, which well-known for its achievements on national and international scope. Totok Agung, Head of LPPM Unsoed, who was officially opened this workshop, hopes that this workshop would inspired ex migrants worker in Banyumas to start their business and develop their entrepreneurial skill. (SusWoyo)
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