
Training on Advocacy and Lobbying for Indonesian Migrant Worker Association in Taiwan


Atin Safitri along with 4 representatives from Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/ATKI (Indonesian Migrant Worker Association) Taiwan participated on Training on Advocacy and Lobbying for migrant worker assistants which were held in Shih Shin University 110, Lane , Sec 1 , Mu-Cha Rd, Taipei, Taiwan (23/10/11).

This training which was held upon cooperation among ATKI with Asia Pasific Mission for Migrant (APMM), also participated by representatives from representatives of migrant workers from Philippines. Mr.Butch, APMM representative, was the trainer of this training which was held to increase the ability of doing advocacy and lobbying to the migrant workers activists in Taiwan.

ATKI Taiwan which was established on December 20, 2009 was the reformation of the former association named Persatuan BMI Tolak Overcharging (biaya yang berlebihan) or Migrant Worker Union Against Overcharging in Taiwan (Pillar) which established on March 1, 2009 which also facilitated Indonesian migrant worker to gather and exchange information.

Nowadays, there are many issue regarding Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan which requires urgent action.  For instance, replacement fee for migrant workers in Taiwan still expensive, also there are many workers whose lack of day off. Furthermore, there are many case whose salary and important documents seized by the agency, also many of the workers work on the field which outside of their skills. Participants were also learn some strategies on migrant workers association on demanding their rights, the strategies are in particular in the form of strategy on how to do demonstration, conducting dialogue, managing a conference or meeting of migrant worker networks.

“As a result of participating this workshop, we will start to sort on strategic planning for the following 6 months. For example, in terms of replacement fee, we will conduct a discussion with other migrant workers association here, in Taiwan, collect data, engage for aspiration from Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan, and then conduct a demonstration in a strategic place” said Atin Safitri, an Indonesian Migrant Worker fromTrenggalek East Jawa, who is currently an activist of ATKI to

Through this training, Atin Safitri along with other activists from ATKI Taiwan calls upon Government of Indonesia and Taiwan to ratified the International Convention on Migrant Workers and Its Committee, as well as being responsive on many issue arises which related to migrant workers.

3 komentar untuk “Training on Advocacy and Lobbying for Indonesian Migrant Worker Association in Taiwan

  1. Kami ucapkan banyak” trimakasih kepada Redaksi Buruh Migran yang telah meliput ATKI Taiwan, dan juga trimakasih kepada Rima Siwandaru tentang suport nya, dan semoga apa yang kita perjuangkan mendapatkan hasilnya,! Buat kawan” TKI/BMI mari kita bangkit melawan dari penindasan dan perampasan,,,!

    1. Selamat bekerja kawan-kawan. Mari saling membantu utnuk perbaikan pelayanan negara terhadap TKI.

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