Migrant Workers Lack of Knowledge Related Insurance


Ilustrasi Asuransi, Asuransi TKI, Asuransi Buruh Migran

There are several rights of migrant workers which haven’t been fulfilled, for instance the right of insurance. The lack of awareness of Indonesian migrant workers with related to insurance, lead into a major risk that their rights are going to be taken by irresponsible parties.

This issue catches a serious attention of Castra Aji Sarosa, activist of Indonesian Migrant Worker Union/Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) Cirebon. Castra Aji Sarosa affirms that the government and migrants agencies should be more open to inform migrant workers about their rights and insurance policy. Castra predict that more than 50% migrant workers don’t notice and understand well about their insurance rights also about how to submit their insurance claim.

“We often got request from migrant workers or their family to help them claim their insurance. This is all because they don’t know how to manage things related to insurance,” said Castra.

Aside of the lack of information related insurance for migrants, Castra also highlited on centralized insurance premi withdrawal in Jakarta.

“I hope that insurance premi withdrawal could be able to do in local town, it doesn’t need to be done in Jakarta, so that it would make easier for migrants to get their insurance rights,” Castra elucidated.

Tulisan ini ditandai dengan: Ahmad Rovahan asuransi TKI SBMI Cirebon TKI Cirebon 

2 komentar untuk “Migrant Workers Lack of Knowledge Related Insurance

  1. betul apa yang ki katakan oleh mas Castra,kawan-kawan BMI yang ada di Taiwan banyak juga yng belom paham tentang asuransi, kegunaannya untuk apa, apakah kita harus membayar asuransi, ? apalagi klo di tanya tentang Kartu Perseta Asuransi ( KPA ) betuknya seperti apa sama sekali tidak tahu. padahal sudah terperinci dengan jelas calon TKI harus membayar premi asuransi sebesar Rp.400.000. itu di ambil dengan potongan gaji setiap bulannya. Permaslahannya dari PPTKIS tidak di jelaskan jika ada asuransi dan kegunaannya jika terjadi kemalangan yng menimpanya. maka dari itu penting banget untuk di jelaskan tentang asuransi. ( itu harus di jelaskan ).

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