Johra bin Sueb and Munjinah binti Martasari were a married couple from Begor Pasar village, Pontang district, Banten Province working as Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) in Saudi Arabia in 2005. At that time, they were sent by Dasa Utama Ltd. located on Persatuan Guru Street No.28, South Petejo, Gambir district, North Jakarta. For two years and two months, Johra and his wife had worked in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia.
In 2007, due to a conflict with their master, Johra and Munjinah finally decided to leave from their master and went to Jeddah to earn a living. Since that time, the status of Johra and Munjinah has changed from legal into Illegal because they left their first master.
Having the status of illegal TKIs made Johra have nomadic occupation, he moved from one master to another master. Early 2011, Johra’s health condition began sinking, he suffered from hypertension and diabetes symptoms, and in 12 January 2012 Johra was stated that he suffered from a stroke. Johra’s condition was totally worrying and his folded foot position was unable to unfold, while the rest of his body could not be moved anymore. In 14 January 2012, Johra was taken to Al Jedani Hospital. The Hospital gave a referral having him be an inpatient which costed 5000 real.
“Because of having no money, finally Johra’s wife and relatives who also work as TKIs in Saudi Arabia trying to have Johra come home soon are known and catch the attention of the representatives of Indonesian Government in Saudi Arabia.” Said Jamil Lee, one of Johra’ friends when he was interviewed.
Until now, Johra and Munjinah (24/01/2012) remains living in the room of their TKI friend working as a driver in Saudi Arabia, Johra lies unmoved so that he has to urinate and do the bowel movement on his bed. Such condition makes Munjinah get more and more confused regarding what she has to do. Munjinah and her family in Indonesia expect that the Indonesian Government pay attention and facilitate their return so that Johra will be able to have a treatment in Indonesia.
Salam TKI…
ikut prihatin sesama TKI,terima kasih buruhmigran.or.id telah mengangkat berita ini,saya baru membaca hari ini.karena kebetulan saya baru add buruh migran di facebook saya..
salam buat teman semua..
saat ini bagaiamana keadaaan rekan ini…?.mohon informasi lagi gan..
salam kenal bung nafis….
maju terus bro..
@aan salam kenal juga,, terima asih atas dukungannya ,semoga kita bisa membawa pelayanan pemerintah menjadi lebih baik dengan kepedulian kita bersama
Pak Nafis, berita kayak gini jarang ada di media besar.. Terima kasih mau melaporkannya dari Arab Saudi.. Kami ndak tahu kalau ndak ada tulisan ini… Semangat. Hidup Buruh Migran..
Pak Syafik terima kasih atas dorongan semangatnya
Ibu sy td nelpon klo skrg sdang sakit d hail, majikan jahat, ibu sy tdk bs krja karna buat gerak katanya hatinya sakit. Mohon info untk cara mengurusi..
Saudara Hanif, adakah nomor kontak yang bisa dihubungi? ada baiknya jika anda langsung melapor ke KBRI tempat ibu anda bekerja, atau melapor ke call center BNP2TKI di Telepon “Halo TKI”: 0800 1000,
Faksimili: (021) 29244810,
Telepon dari luar negeri: +6221 29244800,
Email: halotki@bnp2tki.go.id ,
Surat-menyurat: Call Center BNP2TKI Jalan MT Haryono Kav 52, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12770.
Betul kata admin sebaiknya lapor dulu ke KBRI apabila tidak juga mendapat tanggapan saudara hanif membuat pengaduan ke BNP2TKI sebagai keluarga BMI.