
Quality of Protection for Indonesian Migrants Way Under The Philippines


Cirebon – Enok Sutarsih moans when she was given chance to share her story on Diskusi Suara Komunitas (Community Voice Discussion) with the theme “Protection for Migrant Worker” which took place in Hotel Cirebon Plaza, Thursday (24/11). Her struggle while she she worked in Arab drawn many attention from all participants which consisted of many elements, such as students, government representatives, NGOs, media and citizen journalists.

Sometimes her voices lost. Enok sobbed and tried to hold her tears as she remembered what she experienced while she was working in Arab. Her face turn frown while she started to share her bitter memories in petro dollar country.

Budhi Hermanto from Combine Resource Institution (CRI) Yogyakarta who was moderated the discussion, then ask Enok to share about other story rather than violence as Enok was always weep when remembering that bitter moment. “Mam, why don’t you share other things, for instance what did you do to report this case in Ara. I believe that all of us feel you already,” said Budhi Hermanto.

Despite its shortness due to Enok’s emotion, her stories blown participants mind already. Some women activists and journalists also seen enthusiast to deliver their comments.

“Government tend to argue that this matters are not their authority. They got the power, it is nonsense if they could not handle troubled company agents. If they unable to do their duty, why don’t they just resign?” said Rini, a female journalist from Kompas.

Enok also regretted Indonesian government for their lack of efficient act in protecting its citizens who are working abroad. Enok also explained how difference she was being treated with what happened to a maid from Philippines who worked at the same employer with Enok Sutarsih.

“Two days after reporting a torture, government of the Philippine rescue the maid immediately from the house. Her belongings also taken by her as she left, way different to what experienced by me. I need to waited for months and got no response. Once I went back home, all I have only a broken bag containing a few of my clothes.” Enok recalled.

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